




1. Committed to safe production

   The company adheres to the safety production work policy of “safety first, production second, prevention-oriented, comprehensive management”, and solidly promotes the establishment of a dual control mechanism system for risk grading management and control and hidden dangers, unified risk risk classification, implementation of grading management and control, and implementation. The company has developed a comprehensive environmental risk emergency response plan, and regularly organized employees to carry out environmental risk accident drills to comprehensively enhance the risk awareness of employees and eliminate hidden dangers.

   Safety production vocational skills training test and safety production skill rating

   The company regularly organizes “Safety Production Vocational Skills Training Exam” and “Safety Production Skills Rating”, which includes two categories: skill practicality and skill knowledge. Through the activities such as skill training examination and rating, the company fully mobilizes employees to improve their skills. The enthusiasm of the company, through mutual learning and in-depth exchanges, greatly enhance the safety production awareness and operational skills of employees.

2.committed to environmental protection

   The earth's environment is the condition for human survival. As a responsible company, Nuoer Bio attaches great importance to the combination of environmental protection and efficient use of resources, continuously improves environmental management, practices green and low-carbon operations, reduces the negative impact of production and operations on the environment, and promotes harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Through the adoption of new technologies, investment in the construction of environmentally friendly supporting facilities, the formulation of energy management measures, vigorously promote energy conservation and emission reduction, clean production and the promotion of resource recycling, etc., continuously improve the efficiency of resource use, with the least resource consumption and environmental costs, pursue The greatest economic and social benefits that protect the environment in which we live.

Wastewater, waste gas, noise, solid waste, etc. all implement national and local relevant emission standards.

   Nuoer Bio has established strict “emergency plans for sudden environmental incidents”, formulated a sound environmental monitoring plan, strictly implemented relevant national and local emission standards, stored hazardous wastes in strict accordance with relevant state regulations, and built self-built hazardous waste storage sites. Have qualified units to handle.So far, the accumulated environmental protection investment has reached 10,000 yuan, accounting for % of the total investment in the project. At present, various environmental protection facilities are operating stably.

   At the same time, we also actively participate in green theme exchange activities, publicize and share the concept of green low-carbon environmental protection, and help build global ecological civilization. Make contributions to building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society

3. Manage occupational health

        Employees are the core driving force for sustainable corporate development. The company attaches great importance to the occupational health of employees, constantly improves the systematic management of occupational health, normalizes the occupational hazard detection of employees' workplaces, organizes occupational health examinations of employees, actively promotes the optimization of key control points for occupational hazards, and continuously organizes front-line employees for occupational health training. To enhance the occupational health awareness and skills of all employees.

        Nuoer Bio will take the responsibility of dedicating high-quality products, continuously develop green technology, produce environmentally friendly products, and promote sustainable development of society. The mission is to create the greatest value for the society, adhere to the problem-oriented, continuously improve the system management capabilities, and strive to build a safe enterprise.

       Adhere to the people-oriented, help the staff to grow and develop, and achieve the common development of employees and enterprises. Actively participate in community building, strengthen community communication, and let the whole society share the benefits of enterprise development. Accelerate the construction of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.





ADD:No.226, Haigang Road, Dongying Port Economic Development Zone, Shandong Province

Copyright: Shandong Nuoer Biological Technology Co., Ltd.

Record number: Lu ICP No. 18025502

Technical support: Dongying Yunshang , NuoerNetwork


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Nuoer Bio International
